In Sales, Act Like a Doctor

For startups, building strong relationships with customers is crucial. One effective approach is to act like a doctor: model your sales process like a visit to a doctor. Just as a doctor addresses a patient’s health concerns, an entrepreneur must understand and solve a customer’s problems.

In Sales, Act Like a Doctor

Let’s break down this approach into five key stages: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Differentials, Prescription, and Prognosis.

In Sales, Act like a doctor

Symptoms: Listening to the Customer

The first step a doctor takes is to listen to the patient’s symptoms. Similarly, an entrepreneur must listen carefully to the customer’s needs, challenges, and pain points. This initial stage is all about understanding the customer’s current situation. Key questions to consider include:

  • What problems is the customer experiencing?
  • What goals is the customer trying to achieve?
  • What frustrations or obstacles are hindering their progress?

By actively listening and showing genuine interest, entrepreneurs can build trust and rapport with the customer, setting the stage for a productive conversation.

Diagnosis: Identifying the Root Cause

Once the symptoms are understood, a doctor moves on to diagnose the root cause of the patient’s issues. In sales, this involves a deeper analysis of the customer’s challenges to pinpoint the underlying problems. This step may include:

  • Asking probing questions to uncover hidden issues.
  • Analyzing the customer’s current processes and systems.
  • Gathering data and insights to understand the full scope of the problem.
  • What does the customer do 3 minutes before and 3 minutes after the problem?

A thorough diagnosis helps ensure that the entrepreneur fully understands the customer’s needs and can offer targeted solutions.

Differentials: Exploring Potential Solutions

In medicine, differentials refer to the possible conditions that could be causing the symptoms and impact the situation. For an entrepreneur, this means exploring potential root cause problems and related solutions to address the customer’s problems. This stage involves:

  • Probing for other potential causes for the problem symptoms the customer is experiencing.
  • Presenting different product or service options
  • Discussing the pros and cons of each option
  • Tailoring solutions to fit the customer’s specific needs

By presenting multiple options, the entrepreneur can demonstrate their expertise and commitment to finding the best possible solution for the customer.

Prescription: Recommending the Best Solution

After considering all the differentials, a doctor prescribes the most suitable treatment. Similarly, in sales, this is the stage where the entrepreneur recommends the best solution for the customer’s needs. The prescription should be:

  • Clear and concise
  • Aligned with the customer’s goals and challenges
  • Backed by evidence and success stories

The key is to make the customer feel confident that the recommended solution will effectively address their problems and help them achieve their objectives.

Prognosis: Setting Expectations and Building Confidence

The final step in the medical process is to discuss the prognosis – the expected outcome of the treatment. In sales, this involves setting clear expectations for what the customer can anticipate from the proposed solution. This stage should include:

  • Outlining the benefits and potential results
  • Discussing any implementation timelines and milestones.
  • Addressing any concerns or questions the customer may have

By providing a realistic and positive prognosis, sales professionals can build the customer’s confidence in their solution and foster a long-term relationship.

Sell like a Doctor

Startup founders can greatly enhance their effectiveness by adopting a doctor-like approach to customer interactions. By carefully listening to symptoms, diagnosing the root cause, exploring potential solutions, prescribing the best option, and setting clear expectations, salespeople can build stronger, more trusting relationships with their customers. This method not only addresses the immediate needs of the customer but also establishes a foundation for ongoing success and partnership. So, next time you engage with a customer, remember: act like a doctor. Listen, diagnose, prescribe, and support them on their journey to success.

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