SKMurphy Newsletter

Subscribe to the SKMurphy  Newsletter

SKMurphy NewsletterWe publish an E-Mail newsletter several times a year. Each issue contains four informative articles around a common theme. You can subscribe using the form to the right to have it delivered fresh to your mailbox.

SKMurphy Newsletter Archive


2024 May Newsletter Q2/2024: Surprise is a marker for learning


2023 December Market Exploration
2023 August: Origin Story – Why did you start your business?
2023 May: Our 2023 Experiment
2023 April: 2023 – A Year of Learning


2022 November: Problem Solving Checklist
2022 June: Startup Friendly – Scrappy Sales Framework
2022 March: Startup Journey


2021 Dec: Shared Situational Awareness
2021 Sept: Increase Your Luck to Get More Leads
2021 July: Making Business Decisions in Uncertain Times
2021 March: Building, Borrowing and Keeping Trust


2020 December: Withdrawal & Return
2020 August: Sustained Growth


2019 November: Getting Work Done: Leveraging Calendars, Task Lists, and Project Plans


2018 October: Lessons Learned from 12 years of Blogging
2018 August: Making Adjustments at the Half While Navigating 2018
2018 February: The Shape of Firms to Come: Key Values and Architectural Philosophy


2017 August: Entrepreneurial Secrets

2017 July: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

2017 June: Summer Reading 2017

2017 May: New Market Exploration

2017 April Special Update Your Goals Based On Results

  • Clients in the News,
  • Q2 Events,
  • Leads–The Fuel for Your Sales Machine®

2017 March Email Productivity

2017 February Crafting and Testing Your Value Hypothesis

2017 January Special  What We Have Been Up To:

  • Mastermind Groups,
  • Upcoming Workshops, Talks and Events,
  • Clients In The News,
  • Bootstrappers Breakfast Opens New Chapters


2016 December/November Effective Delegation Delegation needed for Growth

2016 September/October Pricing to Value

2016 July/August Thought Leadership

2016 May/June Early Sales

2016 March/April Lead Generation


2015 December Retrospective, Post Mortems, and After After Reviews

2015 November Referrals/Thanksgiving

2015 October Customer Discovery Interviews

2015 September When and How to Seek Investment

2015 August Strategies for a Winning Sales Presentation

2015 July Collaborating to Build Better Companies & Teams

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