Newsletter: Lead Generation

SKMurphy March/April 2016  Newsletter

This blog post summarizes our March/April 2016 newsletter, you can subscribe to the monthly SKMurphy newsletter using the form at the right

Lead Generation

Before you can close a deal you need the phone to ring–you need leads. This issue we look at lead generation.

Special Offer if you are in Silicon Valley: you should consider our April 23 workshop on “Getting More Customers” in Sunnyvale; register at Early Bird ends April 9.

Don't let give-aways bury interest from real prospectsDon’t Let Give-Aways Bury Interest From Real Prospects

Founders need leads and deals. Don’t pick give-aways that bury interest from real prospects. Have a real conversation and only exchange cards or scan a badge if there is real interest.

Discover how…
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It can take a while to determine what to ask in an opening conversation and whether a lead constitutes an opportunity. You have to follow up: leads don’t increase in value like mint collectibles.

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Each interaction with a business prospect has to promise an exchange of valueQ: How Do We Get A Business Prospect To Talk To Us?

Each interaction with a business prospect has to promise an exchange of value: their time or money for at least the strong possibility of benefit.

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Founders Want Leads and DealsFounders Want Leads and Deals

We sell to founders and they pay for leads and deals. Everything we do has to connect the dots explicitly to new leads, new opportunities, or closed deals.

Discover how…

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SKMurphy Monthly E-Mail Newsletter

4 thoughts on “Newsletter: Lead Generation”

  1. Pingback: Silicon Valley May 2016 Roundup

  2. Pingback: SKMurphy, Inc. Newsletter: Early Sales - SKMurphy, Inc.

  3. Pingback: SKMurphy, Inc. Newsletter: Thought Leadership - SKMurphy, Inc.

  4. Pingback: SKMurphy, Inc. Newsletter: Pricing to Value - SKMurphy, Inc.

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