Newsletter: Customer Discovery Interviews

SKMurphy Newsletter
for October 2015

This blog post summarizes our October newsletter, you can subscribe to the monthly SKMurphy newsletter using the form at the right

Customer Interviews

Customer Discovery interviews are key to discovering whether or not a market exists for your product or service and the skills and questions you hone in the early market will continue to be refined as you scale. This month we focus on how to start them, techniques for cultivating your curiosity so that you learn as much as possible, and some suggestions for how to review and organize your findings on an ongoing basis.


checklist5 Ways To Start Customer Discovery Interviews

Customer discovery interviews are essential to testing key B2B product hypotheses and understanding your target customers’ needs. Broadly there are five ways that you can reach out to potential customers to have a discovery conversation.

Discover how…


serous conversationEarly Customer Conversations: Use Appreciative Inquiry and Amplify Positive Deviance

Q: Do you have a script for a customer interview?  What should I focus on? How much of the interview  for a web based offering can be replaced by a thorough evaluation of traffic and usage analytics?

Discover how…


That is a surpriseCustomer Interviews: Allow Yourself to Be Surprised

A few thoughts on customer interviews and why their capacity to surprise us makes them preferable to surveys and landing pages for early market exploration.



customer discovery interviews how to organize findingsCustomer Interviews: How To Organize Findings

I sat down with Bruce La Fetra of La Fetra Consulting for a conversation on customer interviews. We compared notes on qualitative conversations versus quantitative surveys and exchanged tips and tricks. Bruce presented some great insights on how to organize findings and how to take best advantage of insights gleaned from interviews.

Discover how…


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