Quotes For Entrepreneurs–October 2010

A collection of quotes of interest and use to entrepreneurs: these quotes for entrepreneurs were identified in October 2010.

Quotes For Entrepreneurs–October 2010

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Quotes For Entrepreneurs–October 2010

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“No one is invincible. Finding and managing flaws is the secret to survival.”
Chris Kappler

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“I became increasingly convinced that it is not knowledge, but the means of gaining knowledge, which I have to teach.”
Arnold of Rugby

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“Social tools aren’t interesting until the technology becomes boring. The social effects are more important than how the technology works.”
Clay Shirky in an Apr-3-2008 interview with Stephen Colbert

Hat Tip to Jeff Nolan’s “The Technology Doesn’t Matter

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“Take notes on the spot; a note is worth a cartload of recollection.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have written about the value of jotting your thoughts on 3×5 cards, but Emerson’s quote offers more encouragement

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“The greatest risk is not in the development of new products, but the development of customers and markets.”
Steve Blank in “The Four Steps to the Epiphany”

It’s the front quotation in Ash Maurya‘s new “Running Lean” book.

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“Thoughts only become decisions with action.”
Chris Hopf

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“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”

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“An unconference is to a conference what Wikipedia is to an encyclopedia.”
Dan Haugen in “Saving Innovation

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“A startup turns you into both the lab rat struggling desperately to survive and the lab scientist standing back and measuring his performance. It gives you less patience with the ideologues telling you what the rat should have done.”
Glen Kelman “The Crazy Woman Speaks

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“The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.”
Charles DuBois

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“Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.”
David Grayson (pen name for Ray Stannard Baker)

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“Too much information” is freedom from necessity creating a surplus of free attention.”
Michael O’Malley in “Attention and Information

Full quote from “Attention and Information” by Michael O’Malley.

So what appears to us as “too much infor­ma­tion” could just be the free­dom from necessity. I don’t have to worry about find­ing and cut­ting and stor­ing fire­wood: I don’t even have to man­age a coal fur­nace. That atten­tion has been freed up for other things. What we see as “too much infor­ma­tion” is prob­a­bly some­thing more like “a sur­plus of free attention.”

1 thought on “Quotes For Entrepreneurs–October 2010”

  1. Pingback: SKMurphy » Three Quotes from Glenn Kelman on Entrepreneurship

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