This is a start articulating a set of resources for entrepreneurs that are for the most part not yet widely appreciated as applicable to entrepreneurship but that have had a significant impact on my perspective. I welcome any suggestions or lists from readers for what has influenced you, and opened you to new perspectives on your entrepreneurial journey.
What follows are my two year old answers, in no particular order to a question on Hacker News: Articles, Ideas, Books and/or Concepts that have changed your life.
I developed the list thinking about my approach to business and entrepreneurship, which is narrower than “life” and accounts for a lack of spiritual, marital, self-mastery, and personal improvement books and ideas.
- Myers-Briggs Model for Personality
- “Four Steps to the Epiphany” by Steve Blank
- John Boyd’s OODA Loop as a model for competitive decision making
- Decision Analysis techniques: in particular
- decision trees,
- expected value of perfect information,
- “good decision, bad outcome.”
- BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement) concept for negotiation planning
- “Secrets of Consulting” by Gerald M. Weinberg
- “Bionomics: Economy as Ecosystem” by Michael Rothschild
- SimCity computer game
- Analysis of Competing Hypotheses methodology
- wiki (social process) model for small team collaborative document development
- community of practice model for knowledge management
- “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” by Robert Heinlein (in particular TANSTAAFL)
- activation energy, catalyst, and phase change concepts from physics/chemistry
- Amplify Positive Deviance model from Jerry Sternin (Save the Children)
- “The Empowered Manager” by Peter Block, in particular his trust vs. agreement matrix
- “Crossing the Chasm” & “Inside the Tornado” by Geoffrey Moore
- “Maneuver Warfare Handbook” by William Lind
- “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” by Daniel Amen
- “Micromotives and Macrobehavior” by Thomas Schelling
- Appreciative Inquiry Techniques
Here are a few more techniques or perspectives that I have added upon some further reflection.
- Russell Ackoff’s Decision Record Model
- Gary Klein’s Premortem Technique
- Saras Sarasvathy’s Effectual Reasoning Model from What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial
- better version here: “What Makes Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial” on Effectuation.Org
- See also “Saras Sarasvathy’s Effectual Reasoning Model for Expert Entrepreneurs“
- Andrew Grove’s “High Output Management” in particular “always review drafts” and his model for one on one meetings.
- “Computers, Networks, and the Corporation” by Tom Malone and John F. Rockhart (1991 Scientific American Article)
- “The Computer and the Dynamo: The Modern Productivity Paradox in a Not Too Distant Mirror” Paul David (1989)
- “Gunfire at Sea” Elting Morison; mentioned in
- “The Ship that Never Was” from “Skunk Works” by Ben R. Rich
- Gary Smith on Bebop As a Model For Innovation
- Paul Saffo on Forecasting Innovation in Silicon Valley
- Gunfire at Sea a Case Study in Innovation by Elting Morrison: Deming Institute and CIOW
- “Persistent Forecasting of Disruptive Technologies” by National Research Council (2010)
- “Technology Singularity” by Vernor Vinge, in particular the “Intelligence Amplification” section
August-16 2014: Two more after more reflection
- TacOps computer game – you provide doctrine and guidelines to units with limited intelligence of overall situation but cannot micromanage.
- Johari Window especially the blind spot and facade.
Wed-June-24 2015 Another triggered by a post by Valdis Krebs (@orgnet)
- Social Network Analysis (Inflow Article in Release 1.0 Sep-88)
- Zone of Proximal Development for leaning which echoes
- Stuart Kauffman’s concept of the “Adjacent Possible” in a design and systems analysis context and
- “Nature does not make leaps” as an evolutionary principle (also a useful one for entrepreneurs)
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