There are 20 mentors listed on the Lean Startup 2012 Speakers-Mentors list. This is a companion post to my roundup of slides, videos, and related articles and blog posts from the Lean Startup 2012 Conference. My intent is to round out the map of the players in the Lean Startup ecosystem.
- Cindy Alvarez / blog / @CindyAlvarez / Yammer
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BA Psychology
- Mentor: Founder Labs
- Kent Beck / blog / @KentBeck / Facebook
- Location: Medford, OR
- Formal Education: BS and MS in Computer Science
- Mark Cook / @mcookk / Quri
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BS Mechanical Engineering, MBA
- Tom Eisenmann / blog / @TEisenmann / Harvard Business School
- Location: Boston, MA
- Formal Education: BA Economics, MBA, DBA (PhD in Business)
- Brett Durett / blog / @BDurrett / IMVU
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Christie George / @ChristieGeorge / New Media Ventures
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BA Political Science, MBA
- Suneel K. Gupta / @Suneel / Groupon
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BA Information Systems, JD, MBA
- Advisor: Adaptly / 500 Startups / ToyTalk
- Whitney Johnson / blog / HBR-blog / @JohnsonWhitney / Rose Park Advisors
- Boston, MA
- Formal Education: BA Music & English
- Stuart Kearney / blog / @StuartKearney / Slant
- Location: Silicon Valley, CA
- Formal Education: Aerospace Engineering
- Matthew Scullin / @scullin / W: Matthew Scullin / Q: Matt Scullin / Alphabet Energy
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BS, MS, and PhD in Materials Science
- Netia McCray / blog / @Mbadika / Mbadika
- Boston, MA
- Formal Education: BS Political Science (student: expected 2013)
- Grace Ng / blog / @uxceo / Lean Startup Machine
- Location: New York, New York
- Formal Education: Bachelor of Arts
- Farbood Nivi / blog / @farbood / Grockit &
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BA Psychology
- Trevor Owens / blog / @to2 / Lean Startup Machine
- Location: New York, New York
- Kapil Parakh / @Health4America / Health For America & John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
- Location: Baltimore, MD
- Formal Education: PhD in Epidemiology, Master of Public Health (MPH), Doctor of Medicine (MD), BS in Human Biology
- Hiten Shah / @hnshah / KISSmetrics
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: BS Organizational Behavior
- Advisor: Isocket / 500 Startups
- Khalid Smith / @KhalidRudo / LessonCast Learning
- Location: Baltimore, MD
- Formal Education: BS Chemical Engineering / MS Applied Biomedical Engineering
- Wayne Sutton / blog / @WayneSutton / PitchTo & Simplistic Labs
- Location: San Francisco, CA
- Formal Education: Computer Graphic Design
- Nicole Tucker-Smith / blog / @MsTuckerSmith / LessonCast Learning
- Location: Baltimore, MD
- Formal Education: MT & BA in Education
- Joel Yanowitz / @JYanowitz / Innovation Associates
- Location: Mill Valley, CA
- Formal Education: Columbia University’s Advanced Program in Organizational Development and Human Resources Management
- Advisor/Board: Red Tomato / US African Food and Peace Foundation / Upstart Bay Area
Pingback: SKMurphy, Inc. » Lean Startup Conference 2012 Roundup
Thanks for the informative post Sean. FYI It looks like some of the links to LI profiles are broken – they start with your domain name.
Thanks, I have fixed them, I believe it was an artifact of how I did the cut and paste of the link from LinkedIn profiles
Hey guys,
I was one of the mentors at the Lean conference, let me know if I can help in anyway!
Stuart Kearney