Six From “A Few Rules That I Try To Live By” by Buster Benson

Buster Benson lists “A few rules that I try to live by” on his  “Cultivate the Core” blog post.  Here are my top six picks from his list of 17 (the bold wording is Buster’s) with some commentary

Buster Benson Offers “A Few Rules That I Try To Live By”

Buster Benson Offers

  • (2) You must be your word.
    You can’t believe how much time this saves in the long run and how much more carefully you make commitments and keep them.
  • (6) You must have a vision that you are striving for.
    Strangely this was easier when I was younger.  I used to be much more effective at setting nine to 18 month goals that would provide a context for quarterly, weekly, and daily goals. I still believe in the importance of vision, it just seems much much harder.
  • (7) You must tie creativity and experimentation with survival.
    I would phrase this, at least for myself, as “remember that creativity and experimentation are required for survival.” I sometimes fall into the trap that I am just one more change away from “Easy Street” or that next year will be easier. I think you have to keep raising the bar against yourself before someone else raises it while you are resting.
  • (8) You must be the change you want to see.
    Whether it’s meeting with prospects, serving customers, taking part in your community, raising children, your example speaks louder than anything you can say.
  • (11) You must be comfortable with the consequences of being who you are.
    Or you have to change who you are to avoid the logical consequences of your decisions, habits, and character.
  • (15) You must study your mistakes.
    For “thoughtful mistakes” I think this starts with writing down the expected outcomes of your decisions and admitting when things didn’t work out as you planned. Thoughtless mistakes should encourage you to be more thoughtful. The flip side to this, which I think is equally important, is to count your blessings and write thank you notes. Correct the wrongs you have done others and focus on the good that has come from past interactions.

Hat tip to Charlie Parks for pointing this out to me.

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