March 2007

Applying the “Agile Manifesto” to Software Startups

What follows are some quick thoughts on how to apply insights from the “Agile Manifesto” (see also Martin Fowler’s excellent essay on “The New Methodology” for a nice overview of what agile development entails) to early stage software startups. Value This More In Preference To Individuals And Interactions Processes And Tools Working Software Comprehensive Documentation Customer Collaboration Contract Negotiation

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Software Demo: Are You Showing The Last Thing First?

Create and Deliver Surprisingly Compelling Software Demonstrations is an interactive workshop we are presenting jointly with Peter Cohan of the Second Derivative on March 29 at the Moorpark Hotel (Saratoga/280) in San Jose.  Sign up and bring a copy of your software demo: you can present the “executive attention span” version and get feedback. Guy Kawasaki mentioned one

Software Demo: Are You Showing The Last Thing First? Read More »

SDForum Startup SIG: Interim CEO’s featuring Mark Lazar

Tonight I attended the SDForum Startup SIG, featuring Mark Lazar. Mark is a highly experienced chief executive with a proven record in successfully growing and managing companies in the software and telecommunication industries. Mark is usually attracted to opportunities where a company needs help in accelerating growth or turn around. Mark holds both a BA

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SDForum Quarterly Venture Breakfast with PWC’s: Seed Investments

This morning I attended the SDForum Quarterly Venture Breakfast with PWC’s Seed Investment Report given by Steve Bengston from Emerging Company Services (ECS) group at PricewaterhouseCoopers. In the United States, last year the reported amount of VC investments totaled to $25.5B. Of the 25.5B, 1.2B was invested at the seed stage across 311 companies. Moderator

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Startup Epicenter Offers Intensive Workshops, Challenge & Festival

Startup Epicenter has just announced two back to back entrepreneurial education events that together offer an intensive program designed to help you prepare for the grueling demands of an entrepreneurial journey. SKMurphy is a sponsor for the events. March 27-29 Startup Epicenter Intensive Workshops March 30-31 Startup Epicenter Challenge & Festival The program on March 29 starts at 2 in the afternoon, which leaves your morning free

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