
Ser Hou Kuang & Sean Murphy Granted US Patent 7162706 B2

Ser Hou Kuang & Sean Murphy Granted US Patent #7162706 B2 for “Method for Analyzing and Validating Clock Integration Properties in Circuit Systems” on January 9, 2007. Abstract: A method for analyzing and validating clock integration properties in a circuit design is disclosed. A database of timing points that are clocked cell elements of the

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Tips for Hiring (and Firing) a Sales Person

I had the good fortune to attend the SVASE CXO Forum Dec-6-06 where Peter Bakonyvari, Vice President of Sales at JPMorgan SymPro, explored some of the practical realities in building a sales team. In particular what is involved in hiring and firing a sales person. First 90 days Is Critical Bakonyvari’s made the point that the first 90 days

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Iterating Towards Bethlehem: Michael Sippey at SVPMA 8/2/2006

Michael Sippey’s original title for his August 2, 2006 talk at SVPMA was “Iterating Towards Bethlehem” was changed to a less cryptic Making the Shift From Being a Packaged Software Person to Being a Hosted Services Person. The original title was a riff on Yeats’ Slouching Towards Bethlehem (not the Joan Didion book or the

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Ten Quotes from “Guidelines to Creativity” by K. Bradford Brown

I got Guidelines to Creativity by K. Bradford Brown as a gift and was impressed by these ten quotes. Some are clever re-statements of more famous observations but all have a certain poetry. Creativity will take me as far as my imagined limits. The building blocks of our creativity are quarried from the space between

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12 Books For the Busy CEO Tonight (Mon Dec-11-2006) @ SDForum

12 Books For the Busy CEO: spend an hour and leave with a summary of key marketing insights and some rules of thumb for successful innovation in Silicon Valley. You might even identify one or two books that you haven’t read that will be worth your time over the Christmas holidays. I will cover twelve

12 Books For the Busy CEO Tonight (Mon Dec-11-2006) @ SDForum Read More »

Custom Centric Marketing Means Shifting to “Resolution Messages”

Mary Sullivan addressed “Customer Centric Marketing” last Monday, providing a number of examples of marketing messages based on the customer’s operating reality. Mary highlighted the need for marketing campaigns to recognize that the customer is in charge of the buying process today. The example messages cut through the noise (Mary provided an estimate that every

Custom Centric Marketing Means Shifting to “Resolution Messages” Read More »

Mark Duncan on “New Tools for Increasing Marketing Productivity”

Mark Duncan gave an excellent guided tour at the October 9 SDForum Marketing SIG of several web based applications that marketing teams should consider taking advantage of in addition to (or even instead of) Microsoft Office. He opened with the observation that The applications bundled into Microsoft Office—word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, calendar, and mail–are the

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