SKMurphy customer references

This category is used for testimonials, references and case studies provided by clients of SKMurphy, Inc.

Recommendations for Sean

Client Growth Spurs New Office and Key Hires

During the last couple of years while most companies were down or flat, Voler Systems has been steadily growing, some years they have even doubled year over year revenue. As a result they have recently expanded into new offices and made some new hires for key personnel including VP of Engineering and Director of Business

Client Growth Spurs New Office and Key Hires Read More »

Walt Maclay Featured as a Thought Leader in Medical Design Technology

Walt Maclay, President of Voler Systems was featured as a thought leader on wearable and IoT devices in the latest issue of Medical Design Technology.  He explains how wearable devices are now driving the definition of low-power and provides techniques for overcoming battery limitations. “Theresa does an excellent job with the marketing for my company.

Walt Maclay Featured as a Thought Leader in Medical Design Technology Read More »

Sean Murphy Joins IEEE-CNSV Board of Directors

I was gratified to be elected to the board of directors for the IEEE Consultants’ Network of Silicon Valley as an at-large director and chair of the marketing committee for 2015. My specific focus will be on initiatives to increase awareness of the CNSV Project Bank and to foster programs–including special interest group meetings, clinics,

Sean Murphy Joins IEEE-CNSV Board of Directors Read More »

Sean Murphy Joins Fluxicon Advisory Board

Fluxicon, an innovative software startup offering tools for business process mining, today announced Sean Murphy has joined their advisory board. Mr. Murphy is CEO of SKMurphy, Inc. a strategic advisory firm based in Silicon Valley that specializes in market creation and new technology product introduction. Fluxicon plans to leverage Murphy’s expertise for business and customer

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Rav Reviews

Rave Reviews for Theresa Shafer 2011

Rave Reviews for Theresa Shafer 2011 “Theresa does an excellent job with the marketing for my company. Because of her technical background, she is able to write an article from a brief interview, and I usually only need to do minor editing. She is creative in the collateral material she has developed. She does what

Rave Reviews for Theresa Shafer 2011 Read More »

SKMurphy, Inc. 8 Years In: What We Are Working On Now

Steve Blank: “Sean Murphy adds tremendous value for startups in setting them up “getting out of the building” and how to make sense of the data they’ve gathered. He’s one consultant I personally know (I’m sure there are others) who doesn’t confuse his role with the founders. I think of his consulting firm as a

SKMurphy, Inc. 8 Years In: What We Are Working On Now Read More »

Achilles Test Systems

Conference Testimonial from Achilles Test Systems

“When Achilles Test Systems first started working with SKMurphy our product was complicated and our message was even more complex.  SKMurphy helped us focus our product on a market that we could succeed in and create a message that was sharp, crisp and quickly show value add.  They helped us understand that people’s attention spans

Conference Testimonial from Achilles Test Systems Read More »

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