
David Telleen-Lawton Offers Value Proposition Workshop to Danish Startups

Innovation Center Denmark invites David Telleen-Lawton to present his Lean Canvas & Value Proposition Workshops to their top startup companies. This series of workshops is part of the Danish government’s globalization strategy with the objective to turn Denmark into a leading knowledge based economy. Lean Canvas Workshop included: Why do companies use lean? What is […]

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Theresa Shafer Bio

Theresa Shafer – Lead Generation Specialist Theresa has been with SKMurphy since 2003. She was a hardware design engineer at 3COM, AMD and MMI. Theresa also brings experience with budgeting, financial reporting, program management, and market analysis. She is a lead generation and WordPress expert. She has authored an award winning magazine article on line

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Anthony Scampavia Bio

Anthony has been with SKMurphy since 2007, he provides consulting around a lightweight product development model that is appropriate for startups, In addition he focuses on reviewing and defining product release and test strategies as well as developing test and development sandbox environments for automated regressions and system level testing. Prior to SKMurphy, Anthony was

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Going Solo or Partnering Panel: Stanford E-Conference

Today I attended the 2007  Entrepreneurship Conference at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. One session that I truly enjoyed and found very informative was the “Going Solo or Partnering” Panel. Going Solo or Partnering Panel: Stanford E-Conference Below are three questions and answers I believe capture the importance of developing a solid team. Moderator Andy

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