Anthony Scampavia Bio

Anthony has been with SKMurphy since 2007, he provides consulting around a lightweight product development model that is appropriate for startups, In addition he focuses on reviewing and defining product release and test strategies as well as developing test and development sandbox environments for automated regressions and system level testing. Prior to SKMurphy, Anthony was

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Editorial Coverage: The Times They Are A-changing

Which resource do you prefer to obtain information; print or on-line? This morning I attended an interactive DAC debate that touched on the issues on the shift from print media to on-line publishing. Below is my summary of the topics and discussions of the presentation titled Editorial Coverage: The Times They Are A-changing. Moderator: Scott

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DAC Panel Presentation: EDA Exit Strategies: What’s Next?

This morning I attended a panel discussion on EDA Exit Strategies: What’s Next? This presentation was given at DAC on the Pavilion Show Floor. It was a one hour interactive discussion between the panelists and the audience. Below is my take on the two most interesting discussions. Moderator: Kathryn Kranen – Jasper Design Automation, Inc.,

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Applying Design Automation Tools Beyond Semiconductors

Steve Levitan wrote a great opinion piece in this week’s EE Times: “EDA Can Shine Beyond IC Borders” that nicely expressed some future possibilities for EDA professionals. Applying Design Automation Tools Beyond Semiconductors EDA methodologies, techniques and tools are unique in that they approach problems in terms of levels of abstraction, which gives us the power to work

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Seth Godin’s Book “The Dip” Save Your Money

There are some good insights in Seth Godin’s The Dip, his slim new volume devoted to excellence, perseverance, and organized abandonment. Seth Godin’s Book “The Dip” Save Your Money Godin doesn’t say “organized abandonment” which is a concept developed by Peter Drucker, but “quitting.” Godin offer’s three checks to perform before you quit and backs into

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InfoWorld: Social Media and B-to-B; Over-hyped or Under-executed

This morning I attended the InfoWorld Media Group Technology Breakfast, at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. The topic was: “Social Media and B-to-B; Over-Hyped or Under-Executed”. Below is my summary of the question and answer discussion. Moderator: Paul Calento, SVP/Strategic Development InfoWorld Panelists: David Hahn, Director, Advertising Products, Linkedin Virginia Hines, Vice President, General Manager,

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Silicon Valley: Not as Nuts as 99…Yet

So we are starting to pump a little hot air back into the bubble every week now. The streets of Silicon Valley witness young entrepreneurs looking for department store Santas venture capitalists to listen to their list of needs and make their dreams come true. It’s “not as nuts as 99” but not as sane,

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Invisible SEO Man

Founder Story: Acquisition Integration at 60 days

We have been doing some joint projects with Ann Marcus recently, who is a real pleasure to work with, and a very effective interviewer. She sat down last month with the CEO of a recently acquired software firm, who has asked to remain anonymous due to the candor of his remarks. There are some real lessons here for any startup

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Crossing the Chasm – Look for a Niche in a Lot of Pain

Ev Rogers’ seminal book, “Diffusion of Innovation” describes how people adopt innovations, e.g. new technology. He assumed a normal distribution of risk aversion. Geoffrey Moore’s insight was the chasm:  the early majority is not influenced by early adopters, they want the comforts of an established market. Human nature is risk averse: most of us don’t like change. We

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“Crucial Marketing Concepts for Consultants” @ PATCA May 10

I will be presenting a revised and improved version of the “12 Books for the Busy CEO” presentation on Thursday May 10 at 6pm at the PATCA monthly dinner at the Embassy Suites Santa Clara – Silicon Valley on 2885 Lakeside Drive in Santa Clara. I will cover a dozen books and offer a synthesis of the key marketing

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Is DodgeBall Duo’s Departure A Harbinger For JotSpot Wunderkinder?

Barbara Darrow (Unblog) April 16 entry was by Stacy Cowley “Dodgeball Founders Defect From, Take Shots At, Google” Google’s habit of acquiring promising startups and then disappearing them into the Googleplex Vortex is no secret — it left Blogger to languish for years, and closed Web 2.0 wunderkinds JotSpot (wikis) and Measure Map (blog traffic

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ASIC Design Starts Dropping: Implications for EDA

I attended a very thought provoking talk tonight on “Factors Influencing IC Design Starts and Future Revenues” by Bryan Lewis and John Barber of Gartner at the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society. Bryan and John declined to make their slides available but I was able to crib this chart

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