1 Idea Stage

Working Capital V2 Cofounders

Finding Co-Founders: Recruiting Like-Minded Individuals for Startup Success

When recruiting people for your startup, finding finding co-founders who share your goals and vision is important. The alignment between co-founders is crucial for success, as it helps avoid potential problems that can derail the company.

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particles collision

Mike Krupit on Network Density and Fluidity

In the video below, Mike Krupit, founder of Trajectify, shares some interesting insights on  density and fluidity your network. Mike Krupit on Network Density and Fluidity An edited transcript for readers: Mike Krupit on the importance of your network The other thing I will say is having a network. When we’re starting a business, we’re

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Lean Canvas – Experimentation (Video Available)

Lean Canvas Experimentation is part of a five part series by Ed Ipser where he explains how to use the Lean Canvas and what it is good for. Focus Marketing Operation Finances Experimentation In this Lean Startup Canvas session on Experimentation, Ed Ipser shares how to use your lean startup canvas to design and conduct experiments

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Lean Canvas Finances

Lean Canvas Finances is part of a five part series by Ed Ipser where he explains how to use the Lean Canvas and what it is good for. Focus Marketing Operation Finances Experimentation In this Lean Canvas – Finance session, Ed Ipser shares how to identify your own revenue and cost structure and how to create

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