Startup Stages

Agile Hardware

10 Best Practices for Agile Hardware Product Development

Mike Keer discusses the concept of agile hardware, which involves cycles of innovation and testing requirements throughout the prototyping phases. He emphasizes the importance of learning from each cycle and making necessary adjustments to meet specifications and performance goals. He also highlights the need for flexibility and the ability to pivot in response to unexpected

10 Best Practices for Agile Hardware Product Development Read More »

Working Capital V2 Cofounders

Finding Co-Founders: Recruiting Like-Minded Individuals for Startup Success

When recruiting people for your startup, finding finding co-founders who share your goals and vision is important. The alignment between co-founders is crucial for success, as it helps avoid potential problems that can derail the company.

Finding Co-Founders: Recruiting Like-Minded Individuals for Startup Success Read More »

Finding new clients

How Do I Find Clients For My Consulting Business?

Whether you are just getting started or have done consulting for many years, the best way to find new clients is through referrals. If you have been in business for many years, satisfied customers are a great source of referrals. However, if you are a new consultant, you may have yet to satisfy customers but

How Do I Find Clients For My Consulting Business? Read More »

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