
Len Sklar: Be Clear About Payment Terms And Consequences

Len Sklar, author “The Check is NOT in the Mail”  has spoken several times at Bootstrapper Breakfasts.  Here is a recent talk he gave where he stresses the importance of putting payment terms and the consequences on non-payment in writing, communicating them in advance, and ensuring that they are understood. It all seems so obvious

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Actionable Insights For The Entrepreneurially Minded

SKMurphy’s Book Club for Business Impact provides actionable insights for the entrepreneurially minded, whether you are trying to bring change to a market or an organization. It’s a webinar / call in  with a panel that has a roundtable discussion with the audience. Everyone will have a chance to contribute their experiences and lessons learned

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DreamSimplicity Interviews Sean Murphy

I was recently interviewed by Floyd Tucker of DreamSimplicity Marketplace and the interview can be seen below and on We talk about how even though each startup team is unique, they have a common set of milestones they have to achieve to move from idea to revenue. We also chat briefly about the Bootstrapper

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Innovation Needs Starvation, Pressure, and a New Perspective

Successful innovation results when entrepreneurs manage their own shortcomings,  find a  problem they care about, and approach it from different angles with small safe-to-fail experiments. Dave Snowden on Culture and Innovation Dave Snowden has a thought provoking post on Culture and Innovation where he identified three  necessary, but not sufficient conditions for innovation to take

Innovation Needs Starvation, Pressure, and a New Perspective Read More »

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